
FoodRhino restaurant Digitalize & software solutions

Be ahead of curve with FoodRhino Restaurant digitalization & all-in-one solution software.


How can your business benefit?

Total Control of your business

Manage the sales process in your business, plan and supervise your staff, and have control of every sector of your business from anywhere with just web browser.

Clear and easy-to-use software for everyone

Simple interface with no "technical” knowledge required from any user. Your customer will be familiar with our software as it was industries standardized user interface.

secure operation of the app even without internet access

Control sales process in your business, supervise your employees, and manage each element of your business from anywhere in the world using just any web browser

Foodrhino-Restaurant Software System & Solution

Restaurant Digitalization & Digital Presence

Build Your Business Online Presence

Enhance digital presence with mobile application

Restaurant Software System & Solution

Admin Panel (POS)

FoodRhino QR System

How it works

how it works desktop ver
Foodrhino-Enterprise Development Grant

Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)

Qualified companies receive up to 70% support while applying ERP solutions for their business.
Our consultants will provide their best support in assisting your company with the grant application procedure.

Requirement For Grant

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adisquat adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet luctus venenatis, lectus magna fringilla urna, porttitor rhoncus dolor purus
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