
Frequently Asked

Where is the user restaurant online ordering available?

User restaurant online ordering is currently available on the website and mobile application.

Which languages are supported?

FoodRhino software currently is only available in English. You can write your menu items in any language that uses the Latin alphabet.

How can customers place orders?

Your Customers have three options to place their orders under FoodRhino restaurant software. First, for your website that was provided by Foodrhino, simply click the “Order Now” box button and select dine-in, delivery, or takeaway on the website homepage. Second, if the customers are members, they can order through the mobile application they downloaded. Third, based on where the user places their QR Code that will redirect customers to the user’s website, it can be on the restaurant table, receipt, or mini banner.

Can customers schedule orders in advance?

Yes, customers can use your online ordering platform (Website, Mobile App) to schedule seats that are convenient for them and order ahead of time. Pre-order is especially useful for a large group of parties to have them view and place orders through the E-menu on their individual mobile device.

Can FoodRhino restaurant software help me update my website to add online ordering capabilities?

FoodRhino restaurant software is not able to update your restaurant’s website directly but will provide you with the option of web service for website improvement. You can enquiry with our support team for upgrades such as web/mobile features or overall design at FoodRhino restaurant software webpage.

Can my customers pay online? Can they tip online as well?

Yes, your customers can pay and tip online. Integrated online payments are currently available to FoodRhino Restaurant Software customers in Singapore.

Do you offer delivery?

Restaurants with FoodRhino restaurant software can offer delivery through their own delivery fleet or access a network of on-demand local drivers through our integration.

Do you integrate with Grab Food or Foodpanda and their delivery fleets?

FoodRhino restaurant software is perfect for restaurants that have their own delivery drivers, or those in need of a commission-free delivery solution.

How do I get notified when an order is placed?

You’ll receive a notification on your FoodRhino POS whenever a customer places an order online.

Is FoodRhino restaurant software 100% commission-free?

FoodRhino restaurant software does not charge any commission fees on online orders, unlike many third-party providers.